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  • Writer's pictureRising Moon Sisters

The Magick Behind my Spellkeeps

I always have found that there is something magikal about setting intentions while handcrafting something special. Gathering the herbs and flowers, drying them, collecting seashells, sand, pebbles that speak to you. Preparing to create before even knowing what will become.

A few months ago I started harvesting. I was being called by the flowers and plants surrounding my home to gather them with love for a purpose that was at that moment still unknown to me. It is only in the last few weeks that their magick has been unveiled to me.

One of these came to being last evening. I was called to make a beautiful little spellkeep for someone who has only quite recently come into my life. This person, since entering my world, has supported me, has given me the gift of laughter, kindness and encouragement. They have not been afraid to jump into life with me while also staying by my side as I build my new home and world since I left my old one in March of this year.

So, with love in my heart, wishes for them in their own journey toward building a new beginning, and hope toward new beginnings, I crafted this spelljar. But you may ask, what makes it so special? What makes it "magick"?

For me, spinning magick is quite simple. Harvesting, crafting and creating something with intention, love and gratitude is really just a way to also harvest and attract that amazing energy, centre yourself, help you focus what you are thinking and intending, and then gives you a tangible object/item to pour that energy into. Kind of like charging up a battery but, you are also building the battery. When I gift an item like this, I have made it with that specific individual in mind. The dynamics of our relationship, things happening in their life and our life. Things they may benefit having support in, things that I wish for them to experience like joy, calm, love, luck and laughter.

If I am creating for an individual or for myself, I infuse that spellkeep with these intentions as I craft it. I do like a bit of mystery though so, I often choose my items for this by intuition rather than picking the items specifically "meant" for that spell. All plants, herbs, crystals, oils and more have magickal properties. This approach is, for myself, a way to enjoy the surprises the universe offers as well as almost using my herbs, plants and objects like "pulling a card" or "doing a reading". It is actually quite lovely how well things align.

**[I do also create spellkeeps to focus the specific properties of the ingredients used. Some will be available for sale at the upcoming Alchemy of Womyn Festival 2019 or message us for custom orders]

Now, in case you are curious, here is what went into last night's spelljar which, I have to say, what embodied my intention completely for the intended recipient. I have listed them below for your enjoyment.

Last night's speelkeep/spelljar~gifted to a special someone xo

Amethyst is a variety of quartz known as the stone of spirituality and contentment. Amethyst is the stone of spirituality and self awareness, cuts through illusions, helps us to connect to our higher self, encourages mental calmness and clarity.

A seashell from my travels to the ocean in Rocky Harbour, Newfoundland where I climbed a mountain and realized that I was bigger than my cancer. I was stronger than I ever imagined and that you never know how much you can do until you try. Life is beautiful and even more so when you find someone to share that magick with. Just like crystals, simply placing seashells at strategic places can infuse a room with a calm, soothing atmosphere.

Rose petals: for good luck in love; also to remove any kind of love-jinxing someone has done to you. Healing, luck, protection.

Lilac: brings positive energy, protection, they remind us of the gift of life and are great for cleansing and home blessings.

Violets: useful in spells for protection, wishes, peace and healing. In the language of flowers violets represent faithfulness.

Poppies: mystics feel that poppies can be talismans for good luck in love, money and health. Because these flowers can be both lucky and respectful, they make fantastic gifts for someone who is in transition in their life. Calm energy. Surrender and release. Highest Potential blend (Young living): helps bring greater unity of purpose. Jasmine is added to enhance self-confidence, while ylang ylang calms, soothes, and harmonizes. Main oils in this blend~ Blue Cypress: it is felt to be calming and soothing to a restless spirit. Ylang ylang: improves moods, and enhances libido. Cedar wood: eases tension, enhances concentration Geranium: stress relief, depression, mood enhancer Jasmine: soothing and an aphrodisiac.

Maybe this will inspire you! Live in Edmonton, Alberta or surrounding area and want to do your own crafting? Join us on Friday, August 30th for our Moon Gathering and Spell Weaving 101 Mandy and I hope to see you there!

Until next time,

In love and light



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